10 Guidelines to Walking a Divine Path

  1. You are Divine, the Divine is in all, remember that you are stardust and are connected to the Universe.

  2. We are all the same, there is none that are lower than you, none that are higher. We all are born, live and die; honor the Divine Spark in all creatures.

  3. Respect the world around you, both seen and unseen. Trust in your angels, guides and spiritual guardians to teach and show you the way to union with the Divine.

  4. Life is a cycle and always moving; take time to quiet yourself and reflect on your world just as you take time to strive and work and be active. Both are important and a necessary cycle of life.

  5. Take time to honor those in your life that help you along your path; parents, grandparents, friends, mentors, teachers, even strangers that have taught you lessons in life. Be appreciative for every gift you are given by those around you.

  6. The Universe works on the law of cause and effect, every decision or step you take will have an effect whether positive, negative or neutral. Keep this in mind as you make decisions in your life and as you interact with others.

  7. Be kind to one another, for all have their own struggles and heartaches and we may not know what is going on within their hearts or souls, so show gentleness and kindness even when it may not be deserved.

  8. Let nature be your guide and your teacher. Cultivate mindfulness as you take time to soak in all of the wisdom and peace that nature offers you and honor Mother Earth and all she gives.

  9. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting energy and always seek to raise your vibration and the vibrations of those around you. Remember that your vibration will attract the same vibrations to you, so think about what you want in life, not what you do not have.

  10. Be true to your path, and to your soul’s purpose. Do not let anyone or anything stop you from walking the path that you were placed here to walk. Be courageous, and a beacon of love and light.